At RizBizTech, we strive to offer you the best value for your purchase. If you find an identical product at a lower price from another authorized retailer, we’ll match that price! Our Price Match Guarantee ensures that you get the best deal possible, every time you shop with us.
How It Works:
Find a Lower Price: If you come across an identical product (brand, model, color, size) being offered at a lower price by an authorized retailer, let us know!
Submit Your Request: Contact our customer service team at with the product details and the lower price from the competitor. Be sure to include a link or a screenshot of the product page showing the lower price.
We’ll Verify: Our team will verify the details and confirm that the competitor’s offer meets the criteria outlined below.
Price Match: Once verified, we’ll match the competitor’s price, and you can complete your purchase at the lower price.
Price Match Guarantee Terms:
The product must be identical (same brand, model, color, size) and in stock at both RizBizTech and the competitor.
The lower price must be from an authorized retailer, and the product must be new, not refurbished or pre-owned.
Price matching does not apply to clearance, promotional, or limited-time offers, or prices that are part of a membership program (such as wholesale or subscription pricing).
Price match requests must be made before you complete your purchase or within 30 days of placing your order.
Shipping fees and taxes are not considered part of the price when comparing with the competitor’s price.
We reserve the right to refuse a price match if the competitor’s offer is found to be in violation of our terms.
Online marketplace prices (e.g., eBay, Amazon Marketplace) or third-party sellers are not eligible for price matching.
Bundle deals or offers that require a membership, loyalty program, or credit card to access lower prices.
Any offers related to “flash sales,” limited stock, or promotions with significant restrictions.
Customer Support:
If you have any questions or need assistance with a price match request, feel free to reach out to our customer support team at We are happy to help you get the best deal!